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One platform for all needs

Masemarkt is a back-end production studio that produces creative and sustainable solutions, providing consultancy support for CFD Brokers and personal traders providing local or international services.


Masemarkt was founded in Brussels with a team of 9 people.


Our team has reached 25 people and the number of companies we serve has reached 12.


Our team has become 32 people and the number of companies we serve has reached 26.


The number of potential customers we touched worldwide exceeded 69.000.


The number of companies we cooperated with reached 64 and our potential customer base reached 160,000 people.


Masemarkt is a back-end production studio that produces creative and sustainable solutions, providing consultancy support for CFD Brokers and personal traders providing local or international services.

Our Vision
Masemarkt is a back-end production studio that produces creative and sustainable solutions, providing consultancy support for CFD Brokers and personal traders providing local or international services.
Image by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger
Our Vision
Masemarkt is a back-end production studio that produces creative and sustainable solutions, providing consultancy support for CFD Brokers and personal traders providing local or international services.


This is your Team section. It's a great place to introduce your team and talk about what makes it special, such as your culture and work philosophy. Don't be afraid to illustrate personality and character to help users connect with your team.

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